im getting so fat. its gross. i've just been eating crappy crappy food and sitting at a desk around 50 hours a week. it sucks how we are living in this sedentary society, where working is just sitting at your computer or desk and feeling completely isolated from everyone else around you. you sit there and you munch on candy because you need some kind of endorphins to get you through the 8-10 hours of fluorescent hell you live in 5 days a week. and to top it off the same society that breeds our sedentary lifestyle also puts a huge amount of pressure on women to be so thin. i mean i totally play into it too, i am neurotically sitting in the palm of beauty magazines' hands, drinking cosmos that have more calories than a hamburger, trying to still feel as glamorous as they want me to be. so i have decided to cut my 11 hour day into an 8 hour day and go get my membership at the gym back. which sucks because gyms are sick...tubby old pervs watching your tatas jiggle around on the elliptical while you are stuck staring at wonder woman's ass in front of you. if you have ever been to a gym you know what im talking about. there is always one woman there who is sooo fit you cant help but hate her, she is effortlessly running about 1million miles while simultaneously flipping through fitness magazine, or even worse, home and garden. she could get off and give you $100 and rescue a puppy all in the same 5 minutes and part of you would still hate her. well maybe not all of you, or even most of you, maybe youre not all bitter bitches.
lets see, something positive?
hmmm...well i get to watch jennifer's body tonight for the 20th time. i dont care who you are, if you dont get why that movie is so funny/great we cant reeeaaallly be friends. I would begin a super long rant about why it is so good but i would never want to spoil a drop of the pure gold that that film is, you'll just have to watch it...
and i also found a great drinking game online last night to go with arrested development, it was tested out as well and i would say it gets the job done. one key part of the game drink whenever anyone says "banana stand" or banana, and the one i added which worked well, was anytime somebody drinks. this last part was great in pretty much any scene with lucille.
Later this week i get to see one of the loves of my life at a drag version of wicked. so hyped to go to that and have some drinks with him! i only wish i could chill with him all weekend, it is kind of rough having some of your very best friends live over 2 hours away. I seriously believe that those friends know me better in some aspects than anyone in my current town. I have never really found anyone else i have clicked so much with outside of that group of friends and i really hope when we start with the big move to TO that i will see them even more. OH and more good news! my partner took a test to see if he would qualify for an open work permit to canada and he totally does, so i really feel like a big worry has been lifted off my shoulder. i feel like things are already in motion, if i dont end up in toronto then for some other big change in my life. i feel like 2012 is going to really hold a lot for me, that or ill just die in december with everyone else on earth....
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